October 27, 2014 Rensche Mari rensche mari, pretoria ISABELLA October 27, 2014 Rensche Mari rensche mari, pretoria 'In this blessing so petite, made of love beyond all measure, is a miracle so sweet. She's a precious darling treasure.'
October 7, 2014 Rensche Mari WEARE FAMILY October 7, 2014 Rensche Mari ' Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart.' ~ Winnie the Pooh
September 19, 2014 Rensche Mari rensche mari, pretoria DANIE & NELENE September 19, 2014 Rensche Mari rensche mari, pretoria Happiness is on its way!I am so excited for these two, can't wait to meet Amelie!
September 8, 2014 Rensche Mari KAZANDJIS FAMILY September 8, 2014 Rensche Mari ' The Love of a family is life's greatest blessing '